Friday 13 September 2013

Breakfast: Big Fruity!

We all know Monday - Friday is about reaching for the cereal packet and getting those kids off to school without the worry and time consuming  effort of cooking a breakfast. But parents know the moans of "I don't like that cereal.. Can I have something else." Cereals are quite expensive too, especially if they are the well known brands. We can get through 1 pack of the large family cereal per day if everyone has a bowl each!

Here is a non - cooked fruity alternative that my four lads and husband find filling and a welcome change from cereal during the week

 Big Fruity!

Please buy your ingredients from Aldi or Lidl or if you have one your local market!

Ingredients ( to feed 6 people)

Basically Seasonal Fruit (Try to avoid too many of the sugary fruits like grapes and strawberries and expensive fruits)

In autumn I suggest:

4 Pears ( Price varies but 69p Aldi)
4 Plums (You can buy a large punnet (small container) for £1 at Tesco and that is top end price
4 Small Oranges (any sort price varies but about 75p)
4 Red Apples or similar (price varies but no more than £1)
4 Bananas (Typically priced at around 12p each even in Tesco)
4 Fruit Yogurts (Aldi Fruit Yogurts 15p each)

Aldi include many fruits on their "Super 6" discount range where they pick 6 fruits/veg for a week or two and these are heavily discounted.

If you have visited a Foodbank sometimes tinned fruit is included like peaches, pears or fruit cocktail. These can be used just as well. Be sure to drain the tins of their juice which can be used to drink seperately.


Wash the fruit first apart from oranges. If you have a chopping board then great, if not I have used a plate in the past to cut on. Not ideal but needs must!

Do not peel the fruit, apart from the oranges. There are great vitamins in the skin of fruit and as long as the fruit has been washed then leave the skin on!

Cut the fruit up into small pieces and put in the individual bowls for the amount of people having breakfast - 6 in my case. Peel the oranges and split up into small segments and add to the bowls. Make sure you take the stones out of the plums and the core from the apples/pears with a small knife - the sharper the better. When the fruit is in the bowls, simply get the yogurts and pour over the top and you're ready to serve! It's that simple and easy!

My family finds this is a great alternative to a bowl of cereal and when kids have exams etc I always make a Big Fruity Breakfast Bowl as the boys say it literally makes them more wide awake and "ready to go" than cereals or even a cooked breakfast.. You are also getting in the recommended "5 a day" in fruit alone. Like I said simply vary the fruit according to season when the fruit is cheaper. I have added  strawberries and raspberries in summer to vary, kiwi fruit, walnuts,grapes on occasion, blackberries, cherries and blueberries but these are more expensive.

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